Plan miasta Gas

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advice on a rented property? | bGas/b Safety Certificate

I've just moved into my rented property with my partner only to find the back boiler is completely packed up so we have no hot water and no heating and no bGas/b Safety Certificate was issused. When we told the bestate/b agents they said it ...
źródło: BlogSearch

Prank calls in America#39;s bhotels/b | Gulliver |

So today's simple message is this: if you're at a bhotel/b and someone calls with an odd request, perhaps something bgas/b- or fire-related, don't assume they're telling the truth. If in doubt, hang up, call the front desk yourself and ...
źródło: BlogSearch

Small Industries Estate Northern Bypass: bgas/b line to boost b.../b

... that the Small Industries Estate Northern Bypass gets all the basic infrastructure facilities, such as water, bgas/b and electricity within the prescribed time so that the development work of the bestate/b could be carried out smoothly. ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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